Kuva aastat:

Crossroads. Step Into the Light

Lavastuse põhiandmed

  • Vanemuine
  • Russell Adamson, Matthew Jordan
  • Inglismaa
  • tantsulavastus
  • nüüdistants
  • täiskasvanud: 21 - ...
  • 18.03.2017
  • Vanemuise väike maja
  • Väikese maja saal
  • 19

Lavastuse meeskond

  • Benjamin Kyprianos
  • Lawrence Massie
  • Matthew Jordan
  • Russell Adamson
  • Mare Tommingas
  • Matthew Jordan
  • Imbi Mälk
  • Imbi Mälk
  • Matthew Jordan
  • Jelena Karpova
  • Heli Anni



Aasta Mängupaik Etend. arv Külast.
2018 Väikese maja saal (Vanemuise 45a) 5 1083
2017 Läti, Chesise Kontserdimaja 1 250
2017 Leedu, Kaunas State Musical Theatre 1 314
2017 Teatrisaal (Estonia pst 4, Tallinna linn) 1 470
2017 Väikese maja saal (Vanemuise 45a) 11 2840
Aastad kokku Etenduste arv Külastajaid Külastatud
2017 14 3874 2 2
2018 5 1083 1
Kokku 19 4957 2 2


Alain Divoux BJ (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Alexander Germain Drew Noormees, Coldi (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Maria Engel Silvia (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Tarasina Masi Silvia (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Silas Stubbs Coldi (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Gus Kyeema Upchurch BJ (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Sayaka Nagahiro Step Into the Light; Crossroads Mirell Sork Step Into the Light; Crossroads Jack Traylen Noormees (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Gerardo Olivares Avelar Step Into the Light; Crossroads Matthew Jordan Step Into the Light; Crossroads Raminta Rudzionyte Step Into the Light; Crossroads Brandon Alexander Coldi (Crossroads); Step Into the Light Archie Sladen Step Into the Light; Crossroads Benjamin Kyprianos Step Into the Light; Crossroads Emily May Ward Step Into the Light; Crossroads Yukiko Yanagi Step Into the Light; Crossroads Laura Quin Step Into the Light; Crossroads Georgia Toni Hyrkäs Step Into the Light; Crossroads